Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You are the "One" to Keep Kids Alive!

In the late 60's Three Dog Night sang "One is the loneliest number…" Catchy tune, but steers us in the wrong direction when it comes to driving home a message.

The real truth is that "one" is the number that makes all the difference when it comes to driving behavior. Each "one" of us is literally the "one" that can make a life-giving and life-saving difference each time we get behind the wheel.


Put these behaviors into action, and you indeed will be the "one!"

...walk around your vehicle to make sure there are no kids playing behind or around it before I get in.

...hide your cell phone - where you can't reach it - so that it does not serve as a distraction as you drive (remember when no one had to worry about doing this? Cell phone use while driving is becoming the new "Drunk Driving")

…never drink and drive

...buckle up every trip and expecting all passengers to do so, no matter the distance of the trip

...stop at stop signs and taking 3 seconds to look left, look right, look left again - work hard to make sure the street really is clear of other moving vehicles, pedestrians trying to cross, and cyclists making their way along roadways.

stop to make sure intersections and crosswalks are clear before making lefthand or righthand turns at traffic signals

observe the speed limit, and drive slower when weather conditions or the presence of children at play, pedestrians, and cyclists dictate doing so. a thinker and use your blinker to signal all turns and lane changes.

create 3-4 seconds of following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you so you have time to react to the driving actions of others.

Repetitive practice of all these behaviors, and more, is what helps us improve our driving skills each day. None of us will ever be the perfect driver. Yet, if we are driven to be the "one" each time we get behind the wheel, we can make the life-giving difference each and every trip.

It's About Kids! It's About Safety! 
It's About Caring! It's About Time!®

Safe travels,
Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®
A Non-Profit "For Action" Organization 501(c)(3)


12418 C Street
Omaha, NE 68144

Make your donation to support the KKAD25 mission today @ KKAD25 Donate. A personal thank you note will arrive in your mailbox (not your e-mail box).

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