Friday, July 25, 2014

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What is the Cost of "I Don't Care?"

Our partners at Teacher's Insurance of New Jersey invite us all to turn "I don"t care" into "I do care" each and every time we get behind the wheel.

Recently LaBron James announced that he would head back to Cleveland to try to lead the Cavaliers to an NBA championship.

What does this have to do with driving?

Sports Illustrated reports that a woman in her early 20's was driving down Interstate 90 from Toledo when she read the news of LaBron's return on her phone. She is quoted as saying, "I know it was unsafe…I don't care."

What is the cost of "I don't care?" Is it the 90+ lives that come to a tragic end on U.S. roadways each day - most the result of distracted driving, speeding, lack of seat belt use, and myriad other behaviors that can be interpreted as a lack of care - for ourselves and for others. Is it the cost of untold grief? Is it the astronomical financial impact of roadway deaths and injuries? Each calculates cost in its own way.

Certainly this young woman is not the only person to engage in unsafe behaviors while driving, and she will not be the last. What is it about us as human beings that oftentimes  refuses to practice behaviors that common sense dictates we should practice each and every time we get behind the wheel or ride as a passenger?

You are invited to turn "I don't care" into "I do care." What does this care look like?

Before starting a motor vehicle...

...walk around your vehicle to make sure there are no kids playing behind or around it.


...hide your cell phone - where you can't reach it - so that it does not serve as a distraction as you drive (remember when no one had to worry about doing this? Cell phone use while driving is becoming the new "Drunk Driving")

Which reminds us once again...

…never drink and drive

Once you are in your vehicle...

...buckle up every trip, and expect all passengers to do so as well, no matter the distance of the trip. Remember, unbuckled passengers can serve as "backseat bullets" careening all over your vehicle in the event of a crash.

...stop at stop signs and taking 3 seconds to look left, look right, look left again - work hard to make sure the street really is clear of other moving vehicles, pedestrians trying to cross, and cyclists making their way along roadways.

stop to make sure intersections and crosswalks are clear before making lefthand or righthand turns at traffic signals

observe the speed limit, and drive slower when weather conditions or the presence of children at play, pedestrians, and cyclists dictate doing so. a thinker and use your blinker to signal all turns and lane changes.

create 3-4 seconds of following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you so you have time to react to the driving actions of others.

Repetitive practice of all these behaviors, and more, is what helps us improve our driving skills each day. None of us will ever be the perfect driver. Yet, if we are driven to care each time we get behind the wheel, we can make the life-giving difference each and every trip.

It's About Kids! It's About Safety! 
It's About Caring! It's About Time!®

Safe travels,
Tom Everson
Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®
A Non-Profit "For Action" Organization 501(c)(3)


12418 C Street

Omaha, NE 68144

Make your donation to support the KKAD25 mission today @ KKAD25 Donate. A personal thank you note will arrive in your mailbox (not your e-mail box).

Monday, July 14, 2014

Deadly Weapons!

Deadly Weapons! 

Do you openly carry and use a lethal weapon while driving - or a hands-free version? These weapons kill as surely as a bullet - 4,000+ victims every year. Hang up and drive; help keep yourself and everyone around you alive!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Back to School - Let's Keep Kids Alive

The school year is upon us. What can we as parents and concerned neighbors do to enhance safety for children walking and riding, and as motorists committed to create safe roadways for all who walk, ride, and drive?

Here are a couple of facts to consider:

Did you know?
  • Over 80% of speeders on our neighborhood streets live right in the neighborhood (Collective data, law enforcement throughout U.S.)
  • 200 pedestrian deaths and 17,000 injuries occur each year as a result of drivers running stop signs (Safe Kids Worldwide)

Here's what we each can do:

  • Keep speed at 25 mph or slower on neighborhood streets and observe the posted speed limit in school zones. Especially take care to drive slower than the posted limit when we see kids at play, pedestrians, cyclists, or the weather turns nasty

  • Stop! Take 3 To See at every single stop sign - even if no one is present. We become good at stopping by practicing - come to a complete stop, look left, look right, look left again. Make sure the coast really is clear (be especially mindful when turning right as most motorists just look left and proceed without regard for a pedestrian or cyclist who may be approaching on a sidewalk). Repeat these steps whenever pedestrians of any age are crossing as crosswalks in school zones as well as all roadways. Stop! Take 3 To See also works as a way to teach children of all ages how to cross the street safely - start with using marked crosswalks.

  • Hang Up and Drive - Help Keep Everyone Alive! Use of a cellular device, hands-free included, slows our reaction time to that of a driver at .09 under the influence of alcohol - above the legal limit of .08. Being on a cellular device can kill someone as surely as a gun can - just ask the over 3,500 families who last year received a visit from an officer to inform them that their loved one died at the hands of a driver distracted by a cellular device.
Ask these two questions:

Who do I love?
Who loves me?

Your answers to these questions should be all the reasons any of us ever needs to buckle up, put cellular devices aside, observe speed limits, stop at stop signs - in short, practice all the behaviors that keep ourselves and others safe on and around roadways.

Let's each do our part to make our streets safe for all who walk, ride, play, and drive. For more, visit

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our Death Denying Culture...

A friend shares this quote:

"Our death-denying culture has life-denying consequences."

On average, over 90 loved ones die each day on roadways in the U.S.  That's over 33,000 deaths each year, most of which could have been prevented by practicing several behaviors to keep ourselves and others safe on and along roadways. When we do not put these behaviors into practice, it is as if we are denying that death can actually happen due to a traffic incident - that's what leads to life-denying consequences.

When we acknowledge that death is a possible result of driving, we open the opportunity to make life-preserving decisions, thereby affirming our commitment to keep the living alive inside our own vehicles as well as all others traveling on and around roadways of all kinds.

What do these life-preserving behaviors look like?

Before starting a motor vehicle...

...walk around your vehicle to make sure there are no kids playing behind or around it.


...hide your cell phone - where you can't reach it - so that it does not serve as a distraction as you drive (remember when no one had to worry about doing this? Cell phone use while driving is becoming the new "Drunk Driving")

Which reminds us once again...

…never drink and drive

Once you are in your vehicle...

...buckle up every trip, and expect all passengers to do so as well, no matter the distance of the trip. Remember, unbuckled passengers can serve as "backseat bullets" careening all over your vehicle in the event of a crash.

...stop at stop signs and taking 3 seconds to look left, look right, look left again - work hard to make sure the street really is clear of other moving vehicles, pedestrians trying to cross, and cyclists making their way along roadways.

stop to make sure intersections and crosswalks are clear before making lefthand or righthand turns at traffic signals

observe the speed limit, and drive slower when weather conditions or the presence of children at play, pedestrians, and cyclists dictate doing so. a thinker and use your blinker to signal all turns and lane changes.

create 3-4 seconds of following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you so you have time to react to the driving actions of others.

Repetitive practice of all these behaviors, and more, is what helps us improve our driving skills each day, and keeps us in life-preserving mode. None of us will ever be the perfect driver. Yet, if we are driven to be a "life-preserver" each time we get behind the wheel, we can make the life-giving difference each and every trip.

It's About Kids! It's About Safety! 
It's About Caring! It's About Time!®

Safe travels,

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®
A Non-Profit "For Action" Organization 501(c)(3)


12418 C Street

Omaha, NE 68144

Make your donation to support the KKAD25 mission today @ KKAD25 Donate. A personal thank you note will arrive in your mailbox (not your e-mail box).